Novels of Botswana

Novels of Botswana in English, 1930-2006
By Mary S. Lederer

Issued:   2012
Format:   Paperback
ISBN:   0-9790858-6-1

Price: $14.95 -

is the story of a seven-year old boy who is trying to understand the people and the world around him. He is young and sensitive, and afraid of darkness and violence. He is perplexed by mysteries beyond his grasp. He is not only afraid of the unknown, he avoids it in every possible manner. He begins by hiding from things and people that frighten him. When he meets Akufo, a ‘mild-mannered’ mad woman from a nearby village, his young life is changed forever!

About the author:
Mary S. Ledere .

Botswana in English, 1930-2006